Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

Epson Adjustment Step by Step


This is help from bro Manuel from Philiphines.. thanks again

Do this before unrar/unzip the files :
Resetting Instruction
1. Switch on printer
2. Set the Computer Date as indicated in indoreset.bat b4 extracting the file.
4. run adjprog.exe from the extracted folder
5. click accept
6. click particular adjustment mode
7. go to maintenance then Select waste ink pad counter then click ok
8. click on "check button" till its done then click on "initialization button" then click on "finish button"
9. switch off printer for 5secs then switch on again

if you got errors during reset, maybe you didnt follow the above instructions carefully.
here is what to do.

Trouble Shooting instruction
1. del the "adjustment program" folder from C:
2. go to RUN type regedit then enter
3. find the entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREEPSONPTSG /f then delete it4. repeat above resetting instructions

if this doesnt fix the problem try resetting the printer from another CPU or from another installed O.S.

or just use indoreset.bat :) anyone willing to translate into Indonesian or other language ?
juts translate it in comment for this post.

Happy Reset

Printer Lovers

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